Creator Series - Ryan and Eddie

What does it take to go from idea to production? How do you take a live show and get it on to a platform like Netflix? We chat with Ryan Pigg and Eddie Furth about comedy, Historical Roasts on Netflix, and working on creative projects from their inception through to their manifestation.

Watch the interview, here:

Find Eddie Furth
Twitter: @eddiefurth
Instagram: @iameddiefurth

Find Ryan Pigg
Twitter: @ryanpigg
Instagram: @ryanpig (just one g!)

Find Historical Roast (the LIVE show) on Facebook and Instagram: @historicalroast (no s!)

Experience the LIVE version of the Netflix show every month at The Comedy Story in Los Angeles CA:

Watch the Netflix series, Historical Roasts

About MindMineTV:
We’re Evin and Tatiana – filmmakers, actors, directors, digital media producers, and gamers. Join us for exciting games, hilarious jokes (at least we like to think so), engaging perspectives and a passion for entertaining you (the Brainstream community)!

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Evin Charles Anderson

For more than a decade, Evin Charles Anderson has explored the intersection of performance, production, and promotion. As the Creative Partner of Waverley Knobs, featured in Lifehack and CEO Blog Nation, he has shaped, shot and shared unique and engaging stories that have inspired thought, innovation, and change. Evin is also a professional actor, director, and host/streamer. He co-hosts Branch-Out: THE Digital Media & Marketing Podcast as well as MindMine TV & Podcast, which is available on YouTube, Podbean and livestreamed on Twitch.


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