Hamlet Walks Into a Boardroom

How Acting Can Make You A Better Leader

Do you know that look people give when a random person talks to them at the bus stop? You know, where it looks like their brain hit the brakes and their eyebrows suffer from whiplash?
This is the very look I receive when I mention that I am not only a CEO but also a professional actor. Many find it to be a surprising combination but in all honesty acting has given me some amazing tools that any leader would need to be successful.
Below are 3 reasons why you may want to consider some actor training as a business leader:
Boston Acting - Acting and Leadership Skills

1. Presentational Skills – “Words, words, words.”

This point should not be surprising at all. Whether it’s theatrical acting or film acting, you have to perform in front of others. It teaches you on what makes a good presentation ranging from projection and points of emphasis to movement and facial expressions.
You also typically receive an instant response, which helps you to understand what works and what doesn’t. You’ll learn first hand how to engage and motivate as well as how to be quick on your feet to make any presentation a successful one!
Boston Acting - Acting and Leadership Skills

2. Listening Skills – “Listen to many, speak to a few.”

To many, this point may come a tad bit out of left field but don’t worry, many beginning actors also don’t realize this point. As important as it is to have a strong delivery to what you say, you must also listen to your scene partner.
They’re giving you important information! It’s insight that assists you in understanding how your character responds, why they respond to others the way they do, your cue to join in on the conversation among a plethora of other benefits.
It’s important to bring that thinking into the workplace. The more you listen the more you learn and the stronger the relationships you’ll have with your employees. The more you know and the more dedication shown from those around you, the stronger the company will become.
Boston Acting - Acting and Leadership Skills

3. Self-Motivation Skills – “Alas, poor Yorick!”

As a leader, it can be difficult to not be hard on yourself and to try to continue to push yourself through the hard times. There are moments where you can feel a bit hopeless or dead inside. That feeling is something that actors can be very familiar with.
Whether due to a negative critique or frustration at not meeting personal performance goals: it’s just as much of an obstacle for them. The only difference is the training involved. Through the acting process, actors learn to accept and become more grounded with rejection and how to push onward. If their performance is off, they learn to evaluate and pull out an energy, which they didn’t realize they had, to push through.
As they say, “The show must go on!”
The next time you evaluate yourself and really analyze your strengths and points of improvement, think about how an acting class or involvement in your local community theater could help.

Evin Charles Anderson

For more than a decade, Evin Charles Anderson has explored the intersection of performance, production, and promotion. As the Creative Partner of Waverley Knobs, featured in Lifehack and CEO Blog Nation, he has shaped, shot and shared unique and engaging stories that have inspired thought, innovation, and change. Evin is also a professional actor, director, and host/streamer. He co-hosts Branch-Out: THE Digital Media & Marketing Podcast as well as MindMine TV & Podcast, which is available on YouTube, Podbean and livestreamed on Twitch.


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